La Regola 2-Minute per WIDAF考试注册

La Regola 2-Minute per WIDAF考试注册

Blog Article

On ne vous demandera donc pas d’être capable de produire du contenu en allemand. Toutefois, vous commettriez une erreur en pensant que vous n’avez pas besoin de vous préparer au test sous prétexte que vous n’aurez pas à vous "exprimer" en allemand.

The exercise "Grafik" is the fourth Durante the vocabulary section. This concerns a question based on a graph, completing a sentence with 6 missing words. For each squilibrio Con the sentence, the candidate must choose from 4 suggestions.

We attach great importance to individual support in a pleasant learning atmosphere: Due to our small course sizes of max. 12 participants, our experienced instructors can optimally respond to your personal learning level. If you wish, we can also offer you an individual course Con which our instructors concentrate fully on you. You can join the course at any time - start preparing for your WiDaF certificate today.


– aux étudiants souhaitant disposer d'une certification d'allemand professionnel pour faciliter leur insertion professionnelle par la suite.

GlobalExam vous permet de booster votre préparation au WiDaF pour progresser rapidement et atteindre vos objectifs de score !

The WiDaF test is aimed on the one hand at professionals or students who need an assessment of their language skills, for example to apply for a job that requires German language skills, and on the other hand at people who want to improve their chances on the job market. But also to people who click here just want to know the level of their job-specific German skills.


Il vespero indiqué au candidat libre sur sa convocation s’il passe le test sous format papier ou sous format digital.

PLDs describe typical ways multilingual learners might develop across six levels of English proficiency. They help us see how students are growing in their language development as they move toward meeting Language Expectations.



Le candidat doit compléter les phrases avec l’une des solutions proposées pour obtenir la bonne formulation.

Le candidat « libre » remplit son inscription sachant que ces informations ; personnelles seront nécessaire pour l’émission du certificat ;

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